Being a Influencer

Hey guys yes I’m back again,this time with a new post.

So about last month I had been super busy doing some behind the scenes work. And I got to work with some amazing group of people on a few campaigns that were going on at the time.

One being getting to work with Lottie London

Lottie London

Which you can head over to my Instagram @marsha_h181 and see the video content there.

And the other getting to do an interview with NHSBT (NHS Blood and Transplant) themselves for sickle cell awareness month you can click the link and view the interview.

So yes I’ve been busy busy bee.

Someone actually called me an Influencer and I had to say no I don’t think so. But they said yes you are because you are influencing the world and getting more people to speak up about living with Sickle cell. So I guess when you put it like that I guess I am an Influencer something which I never saw myself in that light at all. I can honestly say I fell into this role I didn’t wake up and say ah yes that’s what I’m going to do with my life. No no I was just going about minding my own business and being me all I can say is that I guess the lord put me on this path and I will walk it and enjoy the journey for whatever or wherever it leads me.

All I can say is follow your dreams because anything is possible. And thank you to everyone who has given me opportunities to tell my story and help to spread the message about sickle cell.

Till next time warriors

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