Even Flo

Hey guys welcome back to my page if your new to my blogs welcome and thank you for joining.

So this blog post will be about my journey taking Even Flo. Alot of you who follow me on my Instagram would of seen me posted little short post about it. So this will be me just going into more details about it. I have been taking this for about 2 months or more now, and I have to say I have noticed a change within myself the general over all feeling well within my body.

I had seen various post about this product and been told about this product from other sickle cell suffers. And the stories that I got told I was like I’m sold where can I get a hold of such amazing product. I have to point out that Even Flo is a holistic health method. So it’s all natural ingredients I have not stopped any of my normal medication, and I do not advise you to do so. Please speak to your doctor’s before doing anything. So on top of my daily medication I take this also.

I was approached by a UK seller as this product is only sold in the US, her Instagram is @freedomfromchronicpain if you guys want to go and check her out. Amazing lady, we got talking and was offered to give Even Flo a try. So I gladly accepted and thought yes my prayers have been answered. We spoke about the benefits that this product can give you and also can double up as a pain relief , at first I was like no way but the more we spoke about it the more I was sold.
So the day I received mine I took it straight away, and funny enough later on in that day I could feel a small crisis coming on. And no it was not because of taking the medication before u all think this. So I done what was told and what’s on the bottle that u can take one capsule every 2 hours to help with the pain. No word of a lie guys I was surprised that my pain started to feel manageable. Now I wasn’t totally pain fee, but the pain was at a level where I still could continue with my day. I wasn’t constantly thinking about the pain it didn’t put a holt to any of my plans. As the day went on I have to say taking it every 2 hours it did disapaire in the end with a little bit of help from a smartie (paracetamol for all my new reader’s). I didn’t stop taking it the next day I just followed the instructions on the bottle 1 twice a day and it’s like my body had it’s spring back in it’s step lol.

Now a few weeks had passed and I was coming up to my EBT (exchange blood transfusion) normally around this period my body becomes tired, I’m pushing myself to complete a day not alone a week. But hands down guys on Even Flo, I didn’t notice my body was due for exchange if my hospital didn’t call me to remind me of my appointment. Even my work colleagues noticed a change to my body lol, I’m normally like a snail at work and the grim Reapers best friend literally lol.

Now I was like no way this medicine can have my body be feeling this type of way. So yes naturally I stated telling all my sickle cell friends and they were like where can I get some lol. But the other experience where I was totally blown away by was. I was getting a start of a cold as some of you know I work with children so yes your prone to pick up whatever they have even with my son, if he has a cold I’ll be sure to get it sometime down the line. So any way I stated to get the sore throat, the sneezing etc the general oh no I’m getting a cold symptoms. Now no word of a lie I took Even Flo every two hours and in the morning praise be to God I was like what cold. Yes people it had gone it didn’t develop any more into a horrible cold. I was amazed and it takes alot to get me amazed trust me. The following week my sister who is also a sicker started to get a cold I gave her 2 tablets and told her to take one now and one later the next day she texted me saying where can I get some lol I felt like God lol I had a magic tablet lol.

Now I’m not being paid or sponsored to say any of this as some people may think this and it’s totally not true. This is my own personal experience and truth, I have been recommending this product to every person that I know. Not only does she do products for just sickle cell people, she can also help you with other products for other conditions. But her main stock it for sickle cell, I will be continuing with this product as I’ve felt a change in my body and I like the feeling my body is going through the more energy the less tired feeling.

Some people have tried it and said it has not worked for them but you have to be prepared to be feeding your body with the right foods. Yes i hold my hands up I’m a foodie and my sister’s can vouch what I’m like when I don’t eat lol I still have my odd take away etc don’t judge me lol and continued to take Even Flo and I have noticed a change for myself in my body. Everyone is different so just because something may work for me may not necessary work for someone else. I’m just sharing my experience with you all, it’s up to you to decide what is good for you.

Till next time everyone

Keep safe and blessed and always slay ur crown.

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