What have I been up to? 

Hey my beautiful followers sorry I have not posted in a while, I have been soooooo busy but now is the time to catch you all up.

So grab a cuppa sit back and relax. 

First thing first I have missed you all lol.  As some of you may know who, follow my other social media sites. I have had a re branding of my logo. Which I hope you all will love as much as I do. I also now have a website (yeppie) all my content will be under one roof, don’t worry I will be leaving the link below for you all to go and check it out.  

So what else have u been up to I hear u cry. Well I have been doing some work with an amazing choir called B Positive.  This choir was put together by the NHS and the Mobos, to help raise awareness for sickle Cell, and to encourage more black people to come forward and donate blood. 

I have had such an amazing time and wonderful experience in joining the B positive choir.  We appeared on the mobos and songs of praise singing “Rise Up” which is out now for you to download or stream by the way. Don’t worry I will also leave a link to our page,for you all to see.  

I have also been doing interviews with Huffington Post and photo shoots, along with many other things. All in aid for this campaign for the NHS give blood save a life. So that’s why I haven’t had much time to post a blog.  But I promise I will try and be bit more active. 

It’s been a wonderful journey for me, because I had the opportunity to have my sisters,son, and niece with me so it’s been a special time for me. 

If your not already following me on instagram or Facebook, what are you waiting for. Go and follow me now @mylifewithsicklecell as those are more kept updated daily and will keep you updated on my journey. 

Stay strong my Warriors until next time.  And don’t forget always slay your crown 👑 

my website 

B Positive website 

Our birthday and crisis 

What’s up my Crown Slayers, sorry I haven’t posted in awhile I have been busy and also unwell. But I’m back with a good post.

Firstly I want to say Happy Birthday to my life with sickle cell.  I have now been writing blogs for a year wow… you guys. Have been reading my funny but truthful ventures for a whole year and I am so grateful for your support and your comments. It’s down to you guys that keeps me writing, so big clap to you all and hugs and kisses from me to you. 

So..   Down to real talk, I have been so busy learning song words for the Sickle Cell choir that is due to be out sometime soon. Make sure you keep a eye out for that, I cannot wait.  It’s been a fun experience working with other sickle cell people and people who have a passion for sickle cell young and old.

While doing this behind the scenes I have also been battling with a sickle cell crisis, within my chest and back. 

I have to say in 2008 was the year I first experience pneumonia. I have had it before as a baby but experiencing it as a adult was horrible. After I got over that every crisis I got would attack my chest, until one day it started to go to other places such as my leg. And the crisis pain that I have been experiencing this week has been to my chest and back.  

I have had to put my self first this week and done what was or is best for me. An my parents has had to put there foot down and tell me “No!” As I thought I was wonder woman and could battle out the day. 

This one time I have to say, I’ve never had to pull over my car because the pain has been so intense. Or asked my sister not to touch me because it’s hurt to badly.  Some of you reading this may think ok now she is going OTT (over the top) But I kid you not  it’s the truth and it’s real. I don’t normally cry unless I’m really hurting and let me tell you crying was the only thing I could do to release the pain I was feeling.  

I often get asked “How do you still keep a smile on your face?” my answer is you have to live life how you want it to be. 

But worrier’s please make sure you keep warm as winter months is approaching and don’t forget to get your flu jabs. 

Also If you follow my Instagram page (@marsha108)  you will be seeing me posting black icons, who I feel has helped make a difference to history.  All for black history month. 

Stay bless everyone and always slay your crown 👑 till next time worriers 

Sickle Cell Awareness Month 

Hey guys, sorry for not posting my weekly blog I have been so busy. 

First I want to say happy sickle cell awareness month to everyone.  September is Sickle Cell awareness month but we should be raising awareness every single day. The more awareness the better knowledge everyone will have. 

So these past few weeks has been a massive struggle for me. My body has been fighting with being tired an lack of energy.  This is because I’m due for my regular 6 weeks blood exchange. Also being very active does not help, now most people will not understand when I say that I have to pace myself and pick my activities wisely. 

So these past few days I have been having to take naps during the day in order to complete a day. Trust me I actually feel like a old lady no offence to the older generation. Some of you may laugh or be surprised but, this is a situation some sicklers face. 

Today I actually came back from the school run and took a nap before I could prepare dinner yes people the time was about 4.00pm. Bless my son he was the man of the house and started dinner for us.  I love him to bits and he so surprised me with his comment of “don’t worry mum I sorted us out” and when I looked the table way layed out for dinner. 

Now some of you may think Omg he is only 8 how can he do that. Please may I say my son is the most advanced young boy I have ever seen and I have trained him very well to be independent. 

I want to say and stress how important we are asking people to donate blood. There is a shortage of black donors in the UK and a huge amount of people are in urgent need of supply. 

But don’t forget to keep an eye on our Instagram page for the daily challenges and make sure you take part as every answer can help someone else.  

So enjoy the knowledge from sickle cell awareness month and don’t forget to always keep slaying your crown 👑 till next time worriers. 

Our new Journey 

Good morning my wonderful readers hope we are all well or trying to keep well. 

So as my heading says our new journey, I am so excited to be sharing with you what’s going. So as many people may have noticed my self and my wonderful amazing business partner Davinia have now launched International sicklers our new charity and business venture.  

It has been a journey and half lol, the late night phone calls the tweaking of things and on going business meetings, boy do we need a holiday lol. And this is only the beginning,  personally I don’t think we would have it any other way.  Now while we are doing this my amazing partner has got her hands in other pots that I can’t wait for them to be launched, and I’m super excited that I get to support her and be the back bone she needs likewise she is mine.

Now International sicklers we created this organisation to help people with sicklecell, not just within our community but across the world hence the name.  Looking at both our social media and connections we noticed that we got and are getting followers from all parts of the world, and in the future we are planning on doing a meet and greet so keep your eyes posted on our website and our social media for updates on what we’re doing. Not only do we aim to create awareness for sickle cell but we also will be working with other organisations on projects and running a few of ours own to help people with health issues. We decided to take this parth as we looked not just into our own lives but on a broader wide scale. We wanted to be able to offer support to the sickle cell community more but also to be able to relate to many things that are going on in the world that affects all ages, and many issues that Co-inside with sickle cell. 

We are super busy with work that will be revealed in the near future, but we can say that on the 30th September we will be doing a fundraising event for sickle cell and it will be sickle cell awareness month. Tickets will available soon so keep the date free for a spectacular event. 

But we are super excited to announce that we both, will be appearing on the MOBO’s awards this year.  Now I was supper excited to share the good news with her when I  found out. And I couldn’t of done it without her. TEAM WORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK! 

So here’s where I get all emotional get your tissues ready lol. Now every day I tell Davinia how lucky I am that God blessed me with her. God took a negative and turned it into a positive, now her story alone inspires me don’t worry guys I will give you the exclusive interview soon. But just know her sickle cell journey will knock you off ur feet. I have never seen a more focused and determine driven person other than myself then this lady right here. And it’s so scary that we think alike on so many things, people say that were a force to be reckon with but I think that she is.  And I’m grateful and truly blessed that I’m on this journey with her. 

So if you want to keep upto date on what we’re doing, or want to get in contact with us here are the links that you need.

Our website 



@IS_Sicklecell for twitter  and International sicklers for Facebook 

So until till next time worriers And remember always slay your crown 👑 

My Birthday 

So Tuesday gone was my birthday another year older but still looking 21. Now that’s a clue as to how old I am lol.

I have to say it was a good birthday  and weekender, being a sickle cell Worrier of course on this occasion I wanted to let my hair down,and have some fun.  But I knew that in order to just have fun there would be some bad points that I had to battle with first and after.   

So to kick things off on my actual birthday I kept it quite,with the family not to mention my physio had started that day to help strengthen the muscle back in my hip. It worked out well as I was tired and sore so a nice family meal topped off with embarrassment from the sisters singing happy birthday to me Beyonce style and stevie wonder, making the whole restaurant stop and look Thanks guys. I already knew it was kicking off for, what my friends had planned for me on the weekend and Oh boy did I needed a plan of action. 

Now my friends turnt up my birthday so much and being a sickler it was hard to keep up kinda.

As I knew that the weekend was going to be so eventful and it consisted of me being on my legs and also me being low on blood. I needed a plan, so this is what I did. As the events were going to be late in the evening I used the day to rest,sleep and eat. I wanted to make sure that my body was ready for what was ahead. Now I found this hard to do as I’m such an active person but I forced my self to do so as I wanted to enjoy what was ahead.   Now everyones bodies are different, because I know what works for me I was able to do. Now I’m not saying you to do this also I said what works for me.  Yes I woke up with slight pain in my legs in the morning but nothing that I couldn’t get over with the help from a trusted heat pad and painkiller smarties (Paracetamol).  But the most important part was rest and I made sure that I had lost of it. 

It was a brilliant birthday and I don’t think I would rewind the events as there was so much going and you know when you’re getting old these are the times when you start looking for a wall or something to prop you up as you try to look all sexy and wine and realise you can’t go that low anymore, bless my dance partner I was grabbing onto them like I was drowning at sea haha. 

But most of all I’m thankful to God for blessing me to see another year older. Next year I will most definitely be taking it easy. Spa anyone? lol.  

I do want to take the time to thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday via social media, texing and phone calls. It was much appreciated and I was amazed by the love everyone showed me. And I cannot be thankful to the people who came out to celebrate I love you all. 

Till next time worriers 

And remember always slay your crown 👑

The things females go through while on recovery 

Hi my Crown Slayers I’m back with another blog, and this would be sure to have you in stitches (pun intended).  

So this week I have been talking to my business partner and my older sister who are both on recovery mode from different Surgeries. And we have been sharing our stories of how we’re finding doing the little things so much effort. (Don’t kill me ladies lol) 

So for me where I had my surgery which was a hip operation for a torn Cartledge. (Now don’t ask me how I did that, because if I knew that I would be a genius.) But back to the story…it’s been hard putting on clothes on my lower half and bending down for things. My motto now is “if it falls on the floor it stays on the floor”. As I can’t bend down to pick it up. Bless my son who I keep relying on to help me lol. 

But we said that we all have had to go out and get new underwear for comfort so it doesn’t rub on our cuts/scars.  And let me tell you forget about being sexy we’re talking about big granny bloomers that your nan might wear or period knickers. Yes I said I’m real here non of us ever thought we would be down this road. Now we’re finding new tactics of how to get them on. Have you ever been to a fun fair ground and played the game hook a duck? well that’s us in the morning with our bloomers and our legs lol oh the struggle is real guys. For me I can’t bend my leg too high up so u can imagine me in the morning it’s a scary site lol.

 Now we said imagine if you had a guy and you wanted to be sexy for them, you know it would be a mad dash to the toilet or in our case a slow crawl to take off your bloomers and pretend you were commando the whole time. Lol yes I know it’s real, not to mention to be intimate with them (men look away parents cover your child’s eyes this is for over 18’s) when it comes to sexy time sorry but for me I can’t be doing all those fantastic positions right now… my leg can’t get up there mate its called you will be holding my leg lol. As we had our girls talk it was the same for the other ladies. Can any of my ladies readers relate to this? But men you still expect us to be sexy while recovering. Were good but not that good. 

At this point in time we all are going through our own journey of healing and the funny stories we have gained along the way.  I love my girls and I hope I have not embrassed them too much and I’m so happy I’m on a amazing healing journey with these two ladies. 

Until my next blog my Kings and Queens take care.

And remember always slay your crown 👑 

Sharing with you a young advocates Miai’s poetry 

Ok guys normally I don’t post a blog two in one weak. But this I had to share as it was such an amazing and inspiring poem. 

Now if you have read any of my blogs, you would have seen that I have posted about this young amazing and most talented young advocate called Miai. 

Not only she is my inspiration and role model but she’s also my niece so yes I’m a little biased but who wouldn’t be lol. I have watched this beautiful talented little girl grow up with so much courage and bravery that all I can do at times is smile, because she teaches me so much and makes me want to do so much to improve the awareness for sickle cell.  So today I share with you her poem of how she is making her stand with sickle cell.


Please go and read this amazing poem and also share and support and your comments are most welcome, and I hope you all enjoy reading this poem like I did.
Until next time worriers 

And remember always slay your crown.

Recovery after surgery 

So these past few weeks I have been recovering from Surgery. It has been a journey and half its also had its ups and downs. I would say the only two good things about having had this surgery, is I can say is not feeling the uncomfortable pain anymore and having time with my son. 

The things that I didn’t like was having to inject myself, every day with blood thinners to stop my blood from clotting. And those lovely white socks, lol I’m going to go into design just to redesign those socks lol.

As most people know I’m a very, closed and private person on some parts of my life. Not alot of people knew I was going for surgery or that I had surgery.  So surprise for all those who are finding out now lol.

My recovery process I have to say, has been a challenging. It’s literally taken me back to basic, of learning how to walk again, bending down etc. My physio hasn’t officially started as of yet but I’m doing the basics exercises till then. Don’t worry these have been given to me by the physio team and not something I made up lol. 

Going through this experience has made me more aware of what my body goes through and the amount of stress I put it through a daily basis.  that I have now decided to make time for me, in terms of doing things to relax me. like going to get a simple pedicure or listing to music anything that relaxes me. 

I have always been a go getter type of person, to now having to listen to my body and follow it’s lead as to when it’s ready and not before. 

My recovery process has most definitely thought me more,about my body then I thought I knew. An it’s most definitely opened up a new way of me looking at life. Yes I’ll be more careful with activities that I do and not to push my body and to know it’s limits. 

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has cared for me on this journey expecially my mum my rock. And to the amazing hospital nursing team that I had at Guys Hospital on Sarah ward. You guys were amazing and you made my stay as comfortable as possible and pain free, so thank you. 

This blogs lesson is listen to your body. I know I will be. 

Stay bless everyone and always slay your crown till next time.

Luv u all xx

I’m back 

Hey my lovely followers I am back, did you all miss me lol.

First I would want to apologise for not keeping my blog going as I had intended to.  As you all can imagine being a busy mother with other projects on your hands,we bearly have time for our self’s. 

But I promise I won’t leave it this long. But be sure to keep an eye on my blog as new things will be taking place. And I will be sharing more personal stories with you not just mine but from everyone who has inspired me on this journey. Also new topics and new issues that we are facing on a daily basis.

So guys if you want to know more or see my movement keep tuned and be sure to follow.

#Always slay your crown